7 Reasons To Hire A Custom Relocation Service

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storage units for family fun equipment

Do you live in an apartment with your family? Do you find it difficult to find the space that is needed for the equipment and things you need for family fun? I was having a very hard time finding room in my apartment for the summer fun equipment for the entire family. Our family really enjoys going on bike rides together, but we didn't have anywhere at the apartment to store bikes of our own, so we would rent bikes at the local trail. I finally had enough with spending the money on the rentals and bought each member of the family a bike. We have since used a storage unit to store the bikes and many things we need for family fun. Find out how we have maximized our family fun by utilizing a storage unit.


7 Reasons To Hire A Custom Relocation Service

12 May 2015
 Categories: , Articles

Moving is one of the most stressful life events that anyone can experience. Even if you're relocating for a positive reason such as a better paying job, leaving behind a familiar community, family, and friends can be stressful. That's where custom relocation services come in -- they can help make your transition go as smoothly as possible by attending to the details specific to your personal requirements and preferences. Following are just seven of the ways that professional custom relocation services can take the stress out of moving.

Housing Assistance

Naturally, one of the biggest issues concerning relocation is housing, particularity if you're going to be purchasing a home in your new community. Relocation services can make this easier by pre-screening properties so that you don't have to spend hours looking at unsuitable homes. They can also help sell your existing house by meeting with real estate agents, staging open houses, and basically doing whatever leg work needs to be done so that the flow of your daily life is disrupted as little as possible.

Spousal Employment Assistance

Custom relocation services can also assist your spouse in finding employment. A custom relocation service can assist the other half of a two-career couple in finding a position to take the place of the one he or she left behind. The move will be less stressful on everyone involved if your spouse feels more certain concerning the future of his or her career.

Childcare Options

Finding good childcare in a new city can is another time-consuming and stressful part of the moving process. Although the final choice will be yours, a custom relocation service can provide you with several options that meet your criteria in order to save you time and hassle.

Schools and Activities

If you've got school-age children, you'll naturally want to find a home near good schools, safe parks, and access to activities. If your son is in Little League, for instance, you'll want to live in a neighborhood that has an easily accessible baseball diamond. A relocation service can do the preliminary research so that you know which neighborhoods will best suit your family's individual circumstances. 

Utility Connections

Imagine moving into a new home and not having to jump through all the hoops involved with putting the utilities in your name. A custom relocation professional can even get you set up for online bill payments and ensure that all utilities are ready to go the moment you move into your new accommodations.

Cross-Cultural Training

If you are going to be moving to an area that has significant cultural differences from where you live now, ask your company whether they include cross cultural training in their relocation assistance program. This can be invaluable in helping you to acclimate to your new surroundings if you will be working and living among people with cultural identities and traditions that are different from what you're used to. They may even help you to learn the rudiments of a new language.

Pet Services

If you need a new veterinarian, dog-walking or pet-sitting service, or a groomer, a custom relocation service can line up candidates for you to choose from prior to your arrival in your new city. They can also provide you with information about dog parks, pet supply retailers, and local licensing requirements and leash laws as well as make certain that your new home is pet-ready before you move in.

As more and more companies are setting up offices and plants in multiple locations throughout the world, relocation is inevitable for many key employees. Fortunately, most corporations realize the importance of making employee transitions as seamless as possible. If you've been presented with the opportunity for a transfer, be sure to ask about applicable relocation services that you and your family can take advantage of.