Preparing For A Move To A New Home

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storage units for family fun equipment

Do you live in an apartment with your family? Do you find it difficult to find the space that is needed for the equipment and things you need for family fun? I was having a very hard time finding room in my apartment for the summer fun equipment for the entire family. Our family really enjoys going on bike rides together, but we didn't have anywhere at the apartment to store bikes of our own, so we would rent bikes at the local trail. I finally had enough with spending the money on the rentals and bought each member of the family a bike. We have since used a storage unit to store the bikes and many things we need for family fun. Find out how we have maximized our family fun by utilizing a storage unit.


Preparing For A Move To A New Home

9 August 2021
 Categories: , Blog

If you are going to be moving to a new location, you are likely to be concerned about getting your items from point A to point B without incident. There are a few steps you can take to help in the safeguarding of your belongings so they have a better chance of arriving at the new location damage-free.

Contact A Reputable Moving Service

The first step in your preparation efforts is to make a call to a few moving services so you can secure one to do the job of getting your belongings to their new home. When making calls, be sure to inquire about the distance the service is willing to drive. It is best to hire a company with experience in long-distance moving, as they will know the requirements necessary to keep your belongings completely safe while on the road. 

Take Pictures Of Important Items

Before you start packing items to be placed on a moving truck, it is wise to photograph them if they are valuable. This way, if something arrives in a worse condition than when it left your home, you will have visual proof available to provide to the moving service and the insurance company so you can obtain reimbursement. The moving service may do this with valuable items for their protection, as well.

Package Your Items Appropriately

Some moving companies provide packing services, so if you decide you want this amenity, be sure to inquire about availability when you make phone calls to prospective businesses. Most people pack up their own items, however, so they have the opportunity to whittle down their load instead of bringing unneeded items. When you package items you want to bring along, be sure to label boxes and bins if the contents are fragile. This way the moving service workers know to give these items a bit of extra TLC.

Get Your Home Ready For The Service

When items are secured with covers or placed inside of containers, position them along the perimeters of the rooms inside of your home. This leaves the centers of rooms open for workers to utilize to reshift the weight of packages or furnishings that are heavy or large. Invest in a doorstop to make the moving process easier for workers. On the day of the move, keep pets and small children away from the activity of the moving process to keep them and the workers safe.

For more information, contact long-distance movers in your area.