3 Crucial Tips For Commercial Moving

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storage units for family fun equipment

Do you live in an apartment with your family? Do you find it difficult to find the space that is needed for the equipment and things you need for family fun? I was having a very hard time finding room in my apartment for the summer fun equipment for the entire family. Our family really enjoys going on bike rides together, but we didn't have anywhere at the apartment to store bikes of our own, so we would rent bikes at the local trail. I finally had enough with spending the money on the rentals and bought each member of the family a bike. We have since used a storage unit to store the bikes and many things we need for family fun. Find out how we have maximized our family fun by utilizing a storage unit.


3 Crucial Tips For Commercial Moving

23 February 2021
 Categories: , Blog

At some point, you will need to move your office due to expansion, lease expiration, venturing into a new market, access to better facilities, or other reasons. Regardless of your reason, it is advisable to prepare well for a smooth move. One of the ways to make your work more manageable is by working with a commercial mover. However, you also need to apply a few tactics for a better experience. Here are tips for commercial moving.

1. Pack Early Enough

It is essential to start packing early to have enough time to get the right packing supplies, such as boxes, tapes, and blankets, to put your items. Packing earlier also allows you to pick things you should donate, sell, or dispose of as you won't need them in the new office.

For instance, you don't need to move with all the files in your offices. You can shred those that are no longer required because they will make your luggage heavier and clutter your new office. You can ask your employees can help you with this exercise to avoid burnout.

Some commercial movers offer packing services. However, it is still important to take part in the process to avoid confusion when unpacking. Professional movers can help write a list of everything and label the boxes for convenience in the new location. This way, you can quickly tell if something is missing when you arrive at your new business location.

2. Book Moving Services

Reliable commercial movers sometimes have a tight schedule due to the growing number of clients hiring their services. Therefore, you should not wait to call a commercial mover at the last minute. It is advisable to book at least two months before your moving date.

Early booking gives you ample time to review the moving company services and determine whether they work for you. For example, you should check the estimates and working hours of the company. You should also confirm if the company is insured for safety purposes.

3. Notify Everyone

When you want to move a business, you need to inform everyone who works with you. This includes clients, suppliers, investors, employees, and service providers. You need to do this at least one or two months before the move to give vendors and utility providers enough time to change their records. You should also send an email newsletter with your new address and include a notice on your website. This will ensure your business will continue running smoothly after the move.

Moving your company offices can be more challenging than moving houses. Fortunately, commercial movers can make the process easier for you.  Ensure you hire the right company for hassle-free commercial moving.